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Van Dijk, Jan, Van Kesteren, John, Smit, Paul, Tilburg University, UNICRI, UNODC, (2007) 'Criminal Victimisation in International Perspective: Key Findings from the 2004-2005 ICVS and EU ICS. The Hague, Ministry of Justice, WODC. Full text in PDF

Van Dijk, J.J.M., Manchin, R., Van Kesteren, J., Nevala, S., Hideg, G. (2005) The Burden of Crime in the EU. Research Report: A Comparative Analysis of the European Crime and Safety Survey (EU ICS) 2005. Full text in PD

 Naudé; C.M.B, Prinsloo J.H., Ladikos A. (2006) Experiences of Crime in Thirteen African Countries: Results from the International Crime Victim Survey. Electronic Publication, Turin, UNICRI-UNODC. Full text in PDF

2000 surveys

Alvazzi del Frate, Anna, Van Kesteren, J.N., (2004) 'Criminal Victimisation in Urban Europe. Key findings of the 2000 International Crime Victims Survey'. Turin, UNICRI. Full text in PDF

Van Kesteren, J.N., Mayhew, P. & Nieuwbeerta, P. (2000) 'Criminal Victimisation in Seventeen Industrialised Countries: Key-findings from the 2000 International Crime Victims Survey'.  The Hague, Ministry of Justice, WODC. Full text in PDF

1996 surveys

Mayhew, P., Van Dijk, J.J.M. (1997). 'Criminal Victimisation in eleven Industrialised Countries. Key findings from the 1996 International Crime Victims Survey'. The Hague: Ministry of Justice, WODC (summary)

Alvazzi del Frate, Anna (1998) 'Victims of Crime in the Developing countries'. UNICRI Publication no 57, Rome. Text in PDF

Zvekic, Ugljesa (1998) 'Criminal victimisation in countries in transition'. UNICRI Publication no 61, Rome. Text in PDF

Alvazzi del Frate, A., Hatalak, O. & Zvekic, U. (editors)(2000). Surveying Crime: A Global Perspective. Proceedings of the international conference. Rome, 19-21 November 1998. Rome, National Institute of Statistics. Text in PDF (we apologize for the missing russian text in this PDF version, we will correct as soon as possible).

1992 surveys

Van Dijk, J.J.M., & Mayhew, P. (1992). 'Criminal victimization in the Industrialized World: Key findings of the 1989 and 1992 International Crime Surveys'. The Hague: Ministry of Justice, Department of Crime Prevention. Text in PDF

Alvazzi del Frate, Anna, Zvekic, Ugljesa, Dijk, Jan J.M. van (editors)(1993) 'Understanding Crime, Experiences of Crime and Crime Control, Acts of the International Conference'. Rome, 18-20 November 1992. UN publication No.49. Text in PDF

Zvekic, U. & Alvazzi del Frate, A. (1995) 'Criminal victimisation in the Developing World'. United Nations Publication no 55, Rome, UNICRI. Text in HTML

1989 surveys

Van Dijk, J.J.M., Mayhew, P. & Killias, M. (1990). 'Experiences of crime across the world: Key findings from the 1989 International Crime Survey'. Deventer: Kluwer Law and Taxation.