21 apprenants de six pays africains ont reçu aujourd’hui à Rabat, leur diplôme de Mastère spécialisé «Gestion des risques et menaces Nucléaire, Radiologique, Biologique, Chimique, Explosif (NRBCE) mention Afrique».
In recent decades, rapid technological advancements have drastically altered how individuals connect, communicate, and access information. News and knowledge may now travel across the globe in a matter of seconds.
The protection of cultural heritage is a critical component within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda, as reported under Goal 11 through which countries have pledged to “make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.” In particular, Target 11.4 of Goal 11 aims to “strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage.”
Application deadline: 20 June 2021
The Summer School is designed for final year in the undergraduate studies, masters students, PhD students as well as professionals who are interested in learning more about illicit trade.
International migration and mobility are growing global phenomena, increasingly involving mixed migration flows and triggering new challenges in the areas of security and human rights, to name just a few.
21 apprenants de six pays africains ont reçu aujourd’hui à Rabat, leur diplôme de Mastère spécialisé «Gestion des risques et menaces Nucléaire, Radiologique, Biologique, Chimique, Explosif (NRBCE) mention Afrique».